Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 8, 2012

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Find Out How To Pick The Lucky Lottery Numbers Today

by Douglas Vincent

Lottery systems have been the fascination of people world-wide for years and will be for decades to come. People see lotteries as the ideal opportunity to become an instant millionaire overnight. What most don't realise is that their are systems available that can dramatically increase their chances of winning a big prize in the lottery.

Most lottery enthusiasts regularly buy lottery tickets on impulse or habit using the quick pick method. Although they desire to win they don't consider trying to increase the odds in their favour of winning.

Systems Reviews

Having reviewed a number of lottery systems and their authors, it is noticeable that they all agree on one thing. Number selections has to be based on historical evidence of reoccurring number sequences and patterns that consistently come up week after week, year after year. It is true if you analyse a thing long enough you will begin to notice patterns of behaviour that become repetitive.

Based on this behaviour developers of lottery systems are able to predict with a fair degree of accuracy which numbers will come up and at what time, frequency, sequence and pattern formation. Combine this with a degree of probability theory and you end up with a fairly accurate system for picking the winning numbers in the lottery.

Secret Formulae Discovered

After spending 18 years playing the lottery and having a passion and fascination for numbers, an ex math professor and author decided to undertake a further 8 years of research to develop his lotto system for picking the winning numbers in the lottery.

The result of his hard work was a formulae that gave players a 48.5% chance of winning a lottery prize everytime they played. In fact once he started using the system himself he quickly won three and a half million dollars from the first few lotteries he entered. For his troubles however he was accosted by someone wanting him to reveal his secret formulae and as a result was shot in the leg. Fortunately it wasn't life threatening but could have easily been.

Picking Winning Lottery Numbers

The first step of course if you want to win is go buy a ticket. The numbers you choose however will be yours not a quick pick lottery ticket which most people buy. To increase the odds in your favour of winning the lottery all you need to do is follow a tried and proven system. You will of course undertake some diligent note taking of all the winning numbers over time to see patterns of emerging re-occurring winning lottery numbers. This can be compared to using a betting guide, following the form before you decide to put your bet on. This is the basis of many a successful system.

Professional poker players do this all the time. Instead of looking for number patterns and combinations they are looking at behaviour patterns in their rival players. They observe every little repetative action a player may make that may give them a clue as to what there next play will be. Likewise you will be paying particular attention to reoccurring numbers and patterns that keep emerging. These will give you the clues to your number selections.

Undoubtedly the best way to increase your chances of picking the winning lottery numbers is to use a tried and proven system that works. Such a system will be based on the highest probability of re-occurring winning numbers that consistently come up in sequence combinations and patterns. Applying this type of strategy will give you the best possible chance of winning the lottery.

Check out this review site for an unbiased review of <a target="_new" href="">The Lotto Black Book</a> by clicking on this link.

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New Unique Article!

Title: Find Out How To Pick The Lucky Lottery Numbers Today
Author: Douglas Vincent
Keywords: book reviews, lottery, gambling,how to win the lottery,lottery systems,family,entertainment, internet marketing, hobbies
Word Count: 592
Category: Book Reviews

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